Friday 21 September 2012


Today's blog mainly focuses on this amazing girl!

Tiffany Alvord, you rock!
Her new album, My Heart Is, is sooooo good! I haven't stopped listening to it all day!

Favourite song so far is Never Been Better, just such a sweet song with amazing lyrics :)
Definite favourite lyric is 'I hate goodbyes, let's say hello again' from the song My Heart Is. Such a feel good song, been making me smile so much!

If you haven't heard of Tiffany you should definitely check her out because she has an AMAZING voice. Just look her up on Youtube she does all her music on there :D and enjoy!

Much love,

PJ x

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Things I'm loving at the moment


So today I decided to make a blog about all the things I'm really loving at the moment!

Let's start with books:

So I'm currently reading A Clash of Kings by George R.R Martin. It's the second book in the Song of Ice and Fire series and I'm loving it! I really enjoyed Game of Thrones and couldn't wait to start this one, it didn't disappoint!

I've also been reading 50 shades of Grey by E.L.James. I didn't really think I would enjoy this so much but read it because my friend begged me to! I was actually surprised, it's a good read and I will probably go on to read the rest of the series :)

Next, TV and Movies:
Since The Vampire Diaries Season 3 recently came out on DVD in the UK I've been rewatching that and have fallen in love with it again! Really really can't wait till season 4! Bring on more Damon!

I've also been watching Game of Thrones which I love!

In terms of movies I haven't really been watching many, but I hope to watch The Hunger Games very soon when my DVD gets here! Super excitedddd!

Musiccc <3 

Well at the moment I'm really into watching various youtube musicians. I've loved listening to Alex Goot for a long time and have recently rediscovered his awesomeness!

I've also started listening to the gorgeous and amazingly talented Tiffany Alvord!

I'm really loving the song Summer Paradise by Simple Plan, and Taylor Swift's new song We are never ever getting back together. 

Things I'm loving in general :P

Luke and Ingrid! Of course! And Nugget!


Also loving Chocolate Brownies (As always Kimmi! Haha :P)

Ok well I think that will do for today :P


PJ x

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Starting Blogging Again! (Hopefully)


So it has been forever since I posted a blog! I mean like a crazy long time :P And I know that there is probably no one that will actually read these anyway, but I've decided to start blogging again. Just for the hell of it, and cos I'm extremely bored!

Sooooo...what to say?

I kinda decided I should do something awesome/different/crazy every day now :) Today I started learning Hebrew again. I'd tried to start learning it like 2 years ago, but I was so busy with school and everything I never really got that far. So today I decided to start again :) I'm learning the letters at the moment. And I can honestly say I can't remember any of them other than Aleph and Bet :P Be proud of me Shai! Haha!

So tomorrow I have a guy coming over. That shouldn't be scary still but it kinda is :P Haha! And it will so count as my crazy thing to do!

This blog needs pictures...

I just remembered I left the washing outside...and it's like 11pm so there's no way I'm going out there to get it...oh well I guess it can wait till morning!

Picture, picture, picture...erm...

I get my Hunger Games DVD tomorrow :D Cannot wait! I'm gonna watch it with my mum when she comes out of hospital on Thursday :) Excited!

See and I managed a picture (kind of :P) 

Anyway, I shall write again soon!

PJ x